Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Providenciales - Tuesday 8th July

Let's explore!

Suffice to say I feel much better today. Breakfast is good, I talk to some North Americans here and potter about for 15mins before ordering a cab to the launderette. It's not far but as I'm new here I don't want to get lost. $12! Man, taxis are expensive - think I'll walk from now on.

The launderette is brill, very nice people and very lovely and clean clothes. An hour later I walk back before deciding I will buy supplies for the rest of the week.

I am doing this because my room is like a flat, oh and I have a fridge. To be specific: in my room I have 2 beds, a sideboard, a flat screen TV with 66 channels. A dining room table, a sofa, a coffee table, a fridge, an air-conditioning unit, and an iron and ironing board (breath). Wow, it's like a Condo. So I shall buy supplies which I can keep in the fridge and then hangout on my porch (I have a little patio area too) instead of eating out.

When I ask someone where the supermarket is and that I intend to walk there I get a look of utter madness and told not to walk, it is too far. How far? 3 miles. 3 miles - that's nothing. (Mad dogs and Englishmen right?) It's hotter that Tom Jones' pants out there so I decide I'll adorn a hat and play 'Justice' as loud as possible on the old faithful Jukebox. I get there but I'm a dripping sodden person when I do. And when I do, oh my. It's like a palace of food. Vegetables and fruit are greener and bigger than I've ever seen; the shelves are shining; the floor is shining; the peoples' smiles are shining - either I'm food deprived or this is one sparkling supermarket.

Unfortunately after this wondrous experience I then have to wait an hour for a taxi. The security guard 'Alvin' keeps me company. "My friends call me 'Big Man'" he coos, I resolutely call him 'Alvin'. After the 5th time he says he wishes he had a car as he'd take a break and whisk me home; oh and he's single right now actually... Harvey comes to my rescue.

Harvey "Is a man you can trust". I know this because it says so on his business card. I also know this because he takes me and my shopping home, charges me very little and cheers me up with his driving banter and all-round good chat. He's also rescued me from the "Big Man": so I love him.

As I've wasted most of the day washing clothes and shopping I have a quick lunch and hit the beach. It's totally different to Miami here.

First of all there's hardly anyone here, the water is cool, and there's a breeze which means the sea moves and is fun to swim in. It's not like swimming in a bath. I find a sun-lounger and relax. This is more like it. Homesickness is well and truly gone and I couldn't give a fig about work or any of those worries as I feel great. Peace and quiet and solitude on my own personal beach....

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" - Christ, why didn't I leave the damn phone in the room?

I look down: "Beer?"

It's Kenny boy! Wahoo! Socialising! Screw solitude - I want a drink with a mate. I take a last look at the beach and dash back to the hotel to change. When I meet Ken coming up the drive I nearly break his neck off with my hug.

"Alright girl, you ok?"
"Ken! I'm so happy to see you - lets get drunk buddy and talk nonsense and politics!"

A few drinks (not too many as we're diving/snorkeling tomorrow), dinner, the beach, walking about and general merriment and good company. I am one happy bunny.

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